
Young Precarious Workers in Poland and Germany. Insights into life strategies, political consciousness and activism

Post date: 11.02.2020, 15:02

Brochure summarizing the project results.


Literature Review – Life and working conditions of young precarious workers in Germany

Post date: 10.10.2018, 14:36

This review summarises the theoretical debate around the concepts precarity and precariousnous in Germany by specifically focussing on the value different approaches and definitions have to offer for the analyis of young people's situation. It also describes young people's life and working conditions with regard to their educational trajectories and labour market transition within the German system – considering specific disadvantages and discriminations related to class, migrant status and gender. Furthermore, empirical research and analytical concepts are presented, which aim to capture, understand and explain the variety of strategies young people use in order to cope with the hardships of precarious working and emplyoment situations. 

This is a preliminary draft – please do not quote!

Literature Review – Life and working conditions of young precarious workers in Germany

Post date: 10.10.2018, 14:27

This review summarises the theoretical debate around the concepts precarity and precariousnous in Germany by specifically focussing on the value different approaches and definitions have to offer for the analyis of young people's situation. It also describes young people's life and working conditions with regard to their educational trajectories and labour market transition within the German system – considering specific disadvantages and discriminations related to class, migrant status and gender. Furthermore, empirical research and analytical concepts are presented, which aim to capture, understand and explain the variety of strategies young people use in order to cope with the hardships of precarious working and emplyoment situations. 

This is a preliminary draft – please do not quote!

Life and working conditions of young precarious: secondary data analysis for Germany.

Post date: 9.04.2018, 11:15

The summary of interview-based memos

Post date: 4.12.2017, 13:19

Written by Aleksandra Drabina-Różewicz summary of 10 biographical interviews conducted by her during the fieldwork stag of the PREWORK research.

The quantitative secondary data on youth in Poland and Germany: tentative presentation and analysis

Post date: 4.12.2017, 12:55

Mapping precarious employment of young people, the PREWORK project team explores various secondary data sources. They include the website and the yearbooks of the Central Statistical Office (GUS) in Poland, the reports by the National Labour Inspectorate and the Labour Force Surveys and the Structural Business Statistics on the Eurostat website. This brief summary is focused on the data acquired from the Eurostat Labour Force Surveys and EU-SILC (EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions), compiled by Mateusz Karolak and Adam Mrozowicki. As in the other cases, the data has been selected predominantly on the basis of its usefulness to understand and frame the experiences of young people in both countries studied. We have basically referred to the age categories 20-24 and 25-29, but in case of some summary statistics we explored the situation of a larger group aged 15-29. The sixth chapter of this report was prepared by Alexandra Seehaus and Denis Neumann and supplemented by Mateusz Karolak.

This is the first draft of the report - please do not quote!

The quantitative secondary data on youth in Poland and Germany: tentative presentation and analysis

Post date: 4.12.2017, 12:51

Mapping precarious employment of young people, the PREWORK project team explores various secondary data sources. They include the website and the yearbooks of the Central Statistical Office (GUS) in Poland, the reports by the National Labour Inspectorate and the Labour Force Surveys and the Structural Business Statistics on the Eurostat website. This brief summary is focused on the data acquired from the Eurostat Labour Force Surveys and EU-SILC (EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions), compiled by Mateusz Karolak and Adam Mrozowicki. As in the other cases, the data has been selected predominantly on the basis of its usefulness to understand and frame the experiences of young people in both countries studied. We have basically referred to the age categories 20-24 and 25-29, but in case of some summary statistics we explored the situation of a larger group aged 15-29. The sixth chapter of this report was prepared by Alexandra Seehaus and Denis Neumann and supplemented by Mateusz Karolak.

This is the first draft of the report - please do not quote!