
Recent publications related to the project PREWORK.

Publikacje PREWORK (2016-2020)- the PREWORK publications (2016-2020)

Post date: 11.02.2020, 18:56

Podsumowanie publikacji projektu PREWORK za lata 2016-2020 (luty 2020) / The summary of publications of the PREWORK project (as of February  2020)

Broszura popularyzatorska / Lay brochure 

Książki / Books:

  • Mrozowicki, Adam, Czarzasty, Jan (eds.) (2020) Oswajanie niepewności. Studia społeczno-ekonomiczne nad młodymi pracownikami sprekaryzowanymi. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar (420 s./pp., chapters by: Magdalena Andrejczuk, Przemysław  Błaszkiewicz, Jacek Burski, Jan Czarzasty, Aleksandra Drabina-Różewicz, Juliusz Gardawski, Mateusz Karolak, Agata Krasowska, Jule Marie-Lorenzen, Adam Mrozowicki, Denis Neuman, Alexandra Seehaus, Vera Trappmann): Spis treści / Table of contents

Artykuły/ Articles

  • Andrejczuk, Magdalena (2017) "Prekariat a „pokolenie Y” – zjawisko prekaryjności młodych pracowników", Kwartalnik "Kultura i Rozwój", 2(3): 51-67.
  • Karolak Mateusz (2016), „Od Prekariatu do Projektariatu. Czyli o niechcianym dziecku globalizacji i kontrkultury”, Czas Kultury 3: 195-201.
  • Krasowska, Agata (2017) „Ideologia pracy a problem sprawstwa prekariatu”, Humanizacja Pracy 2: 65-80.
  • Burszta, Wojciech J.,  Jasiecki,  Krzysztof, Kolasa-Nowak,  Agnieszka, Mrozowicki, Adam (2017) Modernizacja, praca, przedsiębiorczość w polskich dyskursach (post)transformacyjnych : dyskusja. "Władza Sądzenia" 11: 13-30.
  • Gardawski, Juliusz (2017) Klasy społeczno-ekonomiczne a normatywne wizje gospodarki, Kultura i Rozwój 1(2): 73-117.
  • Karolak, Mateusz, Mrozowicki, Adam (2017) Between Normalisation and Resistance. Life Strategies of Young Precarious Workers, Warsaw Forum of Economic Sociology 8(1): 7-32.
  • Andrejczuk, Magdalena, Burski, Jacek (2017) "Constructing Relationships Between the Work and Private Life on the Basis of Narratives of Young Poles Experiencing Precariousness", Warsaw Forum of Economic Sociology 8(1): 51-67.
  • Krasowska, Agata, Drabina-Różewicz, Aleksandra (2017) "Biographical experience of work by young precarious workers in Poland", Warsaw Forum of Economic Sociology 8(1): 33-50.
  • Mrozowicki, Adam, Karolak, Mateusz, Krasowska, Agata (2018) Lost in Transitions? Biographical Experiences and Life Strategies of Young Precarious Workers in Poland, Kultura i Społeczeństwo 4: 69-89.
  • Czarzasty, Jan, Gardawski, Juliusz, Mrozowicki, Adam, Trappmann, Vera (2018) Young Precarious Workers in Poland and Germany, Global Dialogue 8(3): 45-46.
  • Czarzasty, Jan (2018) Patchy world. Privatisation as driving force behind the evolution of labour relations in Poland, Przegląd Socjologiczny 67(3): 135-152.
  • Marino, Stefania, Bernaciak, Magdalena, Mrozowicki, Adam, Pulignano, Valeria (2019) "Unions for whom? Union democracy and precarious workers in Poland and Italy", Economic and Industrial Democracy 40(1): 111-131.
  • Burski, Jacek (2019) The Coping Strategies in Biographies of Polish MiddleClass Representatives of (Post)Transformation Period, Qualitative Sociology Review  15(4):194-210.
  • Mrozowicki, Adam, Kajta, Justyna, Seehaus, Alexandra, Trappmann, Vera (2019). Who is a right-wing supporter? On the biographical experiences of young right-wing voters in Poland and Germany. Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej, 15(4):212-235. 

Rozdziały / Book chapters

  • Mrozowicki, Adam (2017) „Od proletariatu do prekariatu? Doświadczenie klasy w biografiach robotników i młodych pracowników sprekaryzowanych w Polsce”, w: Gdula, Maciej, Sutowski, Michał (red.) Klasy w Polsce. Teorie, dyskusje, badania, konteksty, Instytut Studiów Zaawansowanych, Warszawa, 41-59.
  • Gardawski, Juliusz (2019) Wizje gospodarki dobrze urządzonej w mentalności młodzieży polskiej i niemieckiej, w: Kisiel, Przemysław, Urbaniak, Anna, Warmińska-Zygmunt, Katarzyna (red.) „Miasto, ekonomia, kultura”, Warszaw: Wydawnictwo Scholar  pp. 205-227.
  • Czarzasty, Jan,  Trappmann, Vera, Mrozowicki, Adam, Andrejczuk, Magdalena (2018) Prekaryjność po polsku i niemiecku : świadomość ekonomiczna i strategie ludzi młodych, w: Czarzasty, J., Kliszko, Cz. (red.) Świat (bez) pracy : od fordyzmu do czwartej rewolucji przemysłowej, Warszawa: Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH, s. 395-418.
  • Mrozowicki, Adam, Bembič, Branko, Kall, Kairit, Maciejewska, Małgorzata, Stanojević, Miroslav (2018) Union campaigns against precarious work in the retail sector of Estonia, Poland, and Slovenia, W: Virginia Doellgast, Nathan Lillie, and Valeria Pulignano (red.) Reconstructing Solidarity. Labour Unions, Precarious Work, and the Politics of Institutional Change in Europe, Oxford: Oxford University Press, s. 144-155. 
  • Mrozowicki, Adam (2019) Precarity and Counter-Movements in the European Semi-Peripheries: the Case of Poland, in: Sommer, Brandon, Schmalz, Stefan (eds.) Precariousness: Confronting Crisis and Precariousness: Organised Labour and Social Unrest in the European Union,  Rowman&Littlefield Publishers, pp. 169-188.
  • Lorenzen Jule-Marie, Neumann, Denis, Seehaus, Alexandra, Trappmann, Vera (2019). Rechtspopulismus und das junge Prekariat: potentielle AfD WählerInnen? In: K. Becker, Dörre, K., Spirek, P.R (eds.), Arbeiterbewegung von rechts? Ungleichheit, Verteilungskämpfe, populistische Revolte (pp. 137-156). Fankfurt am Main: Campus.
  • Seehaus, Alexandra, Trappmann, Vera (2019). Die Mitte als klassenloser Ort? Wie Jugendliche moralisieren und Prekarisierung rechtfertigen,. In S. Joller, M. Stanisavljevic (eds.), Moralische Kollektive (pp. 249-276). Cham: Springer.

Young Precarious Workers in Poland and Germany. Insights into life strategies, political consciousness and activism

Post date: 11.02.2020, 14:58

Brochure summarizing the project results.

Who is a right-wing supporter? On the biographical experiences of young right-wing voters in Poland and Germany

Post date: 1.11.2019, 00:22

Mrozowicki, A., Trappmann, V., Kajta, J., Seehaus, A. (2019) Who is a right-wing supporter? On the biographical experiences of young right-wing voters in Poland and Germany, Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej 15(4):212-235. DOI:

The Coping Strategies in Biographies of Polish Middle Class Representatives of (Post)Transformation Period

Post date: 1.11.2019, 00:21

Burski, J. (2019) The Coping Strategies in Biographies of Polish Middle Class Representatives of (Post)Transformation Period, Qualitative Sociology Review  15(4):194-210, DOI:

Unions for whom? Union democracy and precarious workers in Poland and Italy

Post date: 1.11.2019, 00:19

Marino, S., Bernaciak, M., Mrozowicki, A., Pulignano, V. (2019) "Unions for whom? Union democracy and precarious workers in Poland and Italy", Economic and Industrial Democracy 40(1): 111-131, DOI: 10.1177/0143831X18780330.

Lost in Transitions? Biographical Experiences and Life Strategies of Young Precarious Workers in Poland

Post date: 1.11.2019, 00:16

Mrozowicki, A., Karolak, M., Krasowska, A. (2018) Lost in Transitions? Biographical Experiences and Life Strategies of Young Precarious Workers in Poland, Kultura i Społeczeństwo 4: 69-89.

Union campaigns against precarious work in the retail sector of Estonia, Poland, and Slovenia

Post date: 1.11.2019, 00:13

Mrozowicki, A., Bembič, B., Kall, K., Maciejewska, M., Stanojević, M. (2018) Union campaigns against precarious work in the retail sector of Estonia, Poland, and Slovenia, W: V. Doellgast, N. Lillie, V. Pulignano (ed.) Reconstructing Solidarity. Labour Unions, Precarious Work, and the Politics of Institutional Change in Europe, Oxford: Oxford University Press, s. 144-155.

Prekaryjność po polsku i niemiecku : świadomość ekonomiczna i strategie ludzi młodych

Post date: 1.11.2019, 00:08

Czarzasty, J., Trappmann, V., Mrozowicki, A., Andrejczuk, M. (2018) Prekaryjność po polsku i niemiecku : świadomość ekonomiczna i strategie ludzi młodych, w: Czarzasty, J., Kliszko, Cz. (red.) Świat (bez) pracy : od fordyzmu do czwartej rewolucji przemysłowej, Warszawa: Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH, s. 395-418.

Young Precarious Workers in Poland and Germany

Post date: 1.11.2019, 00:06

Czarzasty, J., Gardawski, J., Mrozowicki, A., Trappmann, V. (2018) Young Precarious Workers in Poland and Germany, Global Dialogue 8(3): 45-46

Patchy world. Privatisation as driving force behind the evolution of labour relations in Poland

Post date: 1.11.2019, 00:04

Czarzasty, J. (2018) Patchy world. Privatisation as driving force behind the evolution of labour relations in Poland, Przegląd Socjologiczny 67(3): 135-152, DOI: 10.26485/PS/2018/67.3/6

Klasy społeczno-ekonomiczne a normatywne wizje gospodarki, Kultura i Rozwój

Post date: 1.11.2019, 00:00

Gardawski, J. (2017) Klasy społeczno-ekonomiczne a normatywne wizje gospodarki, Kultura i Rozwój 1(2): 73-117.

Between Normalisation and Resistance. Life Strategies of Young Precarious Workers

Post date: 7.11.2018, 12:45

Karolak, Mateusz. Mrozowicki, Adam (2017) Between Normalisation and Resistance. Life Strategies of Young Precarious Workers. Warsaw Forum of Economic Sociology 8 (1), 17-32.

Biographical Experience of Work by Young Precarious Workers in Poland

Post date: 7.11.2018, 12:42

Krasowska, Agata., Drabina-RóżewiczAleksandra (2017)  "Biographical Experience of Work by Young Precarious Workers in Poland" Warsaw Forum of Economic Sociology 8 (1), 33-50.

Constructing Relationships Between the Work and Private Life on the Basis of Narratives of Young Poles Experiencing Precariousness I

Post date: 7.11.2018, 12:37

Andrejczuk, Magdalena, Burski, Jacek (2017) "Constructing Relationships Between the Work and Private Life on the Basis of Narratives of Young Poles Experiencing Precariousness 1", Warsaw Forum of Economic Sociology 8 (1), 51-67

Od proletariatu do prekariatu? Doświadczenie klasy w biografiach robotników i młodych pracowników sprekaryzowanych w Polsce [Publication in Polish]

Post date: 4.12.2017, 12:46

Mrozowicki, Adam (2017) "Od proletariatu do prekariatu? Doświadczenie klasy w biografiach robotników i młodych pracownikówsprekaryzowanych w Polsce", [w:] Gdula, Maciej, Sutowski, Michał (red.) Klasy w Polsce. Teorie, dyskusje, badania, konteksty, Warszawa: Instytut Studiów Zaawansowanych, s. 41-59.

Discussion: Polish post-transition discourses of modernisation, work and entrepreneurship [Publication in Polish]

Post date: 4.12.2017, 12:39

Panel discussion about the Polish post-transition discourses of modernisation, work and entrepreneurship, with the participation of dr hab. Adam Mrozowicki. Władza Sądzenia 11/2017, s. 13-30 [Publication in Polish]

Literature Review – Life and working conditions of young precarious workers in Germany

Post date: 24.02.2017, 13:39

This review summarises the theoretical debate around the concepts precarity and precariousnous in Germany by specifically focussing on the value different approaches and definitions have to offer for the analyis of young people's situation. It also describes young people's life and working conditions with regard to their educational trajectories and labour market transition within the German system – considering specific disadvantages and discriminations related to class, migrant status and gender. Furthermore, empirical research and analytical concepts are presented, which aim to capture, understand and explain the variety of strategies young people use in order to cope with the hardships of precarious working and emplyoment situations. 

This is a preliminary draft – please do not quote!

Od Prekariatu do Projektariatu. Czyli o niechcianym dziecku globalizacji i kontrkultury

Post date: 29.12.2016, 13:16

Artykuł systematyzuje debaty wokół przyczyn i konsekwencji prekaryzacji zatrudnienia. Biorąc za punkt wyjścia ostatnie prace Guya Standinga oraz Kuby Szredera, zestawione zostają dwie narracje wyjaśniające zmiany zachodzące w sferze pracy. Omówione zostaje również doświadczenie projektariatu, czyli będącej uosobieniem Nowego ducha kapitalizmu grupy pracowników świata sztuki żyjących w konieczności nieustannego uczestnictwa w projektach. Tekst kończy analiza bezwarunkowego dochodu podstawowego jako jednej z propozycji przekroczenia prekaryjnej kondycji osób pracujących w późnym kapitalizmie.

- Karolak Mateusz (2016), „Od Prekariatu do Projektariatu. Czyli o niechcianym dziecku globalizacji i kontrkultury”, Czas Kultury 3/2016, s. 195-201

The quantitative secondary data on youth in Poland and Germany: tentative presentation and analysis

Post date: 29.12.2016, 13:13

Mapping precarious employment of young people, the PREWORK project team explores various secondary data sources. They include the website and the yearbooks of the Central Statistical Office (GUS) in Poland, the reports by the National Labour Inspectorate and the Labour Force Surveys and the Structural Business Statistics on the Eurostat website. This brief summary is focused on the data acquired from the Eurostat Labour Force Surveys and EU-SILC (EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions), compiled by Mateusz Karolak and Adam Mrozowicki. As in the other cases, the data has been selected predominantly on the basis of its usefulness to understand and frame the experiences of young people in both countries studied. We have basically referred to the age categories 20-24 and 25-29, but in case of some summary statistics we explored the situation of a larger group aged 15-29. The sixth chapter of this report was prepared by Alexandra Seehaus and Denis Neumann and supplemented by Mateusz Karolak.

This is the first draft of the report - please do not quote!

Normalisation of Precariousness? Biographical Experiences of Young Workers in the Flexible Forms of Employment in Poland

Post date: 15.11.2016, 16:00

Based on the study preceeding the PREWORK project in Wrocław, this article explores interpretive practices and life strategies related to the flexibilisation of employment in Poland. The socio-economic background for workers’ biographical experiences and coping patterns can be defined in terms of a shift from the socialist type of Fordism to the capitalist, neoliberal, flexible labour regime. In 2015, Poland remained the leader in the EU in terms of the share of employees with temporary contracts in total employment. Yet, despite the expansion of precarious employment, the Polish workers were, until recently, not too prone to protest. This paper explains this apparent paradox by analysing the meanings given to the changing nature of employment by workers themselves in the context of their overall biographical experiences. The empirical basis are 24 biographical narrative interviews collected within a mini-research project on non-unionised young (18-29) workers in services in the city of Wrocław, in South-Western Poland (in 2013). The analysis documents some level of “normalisation” of unstable employment among young precarious employees for whom it became an important aspect of their “taken-for-granted” assumptions related to their occupational careers. Simultaneously, the research demonstrates the biographical and social limits of “normalisation of precariousness” and suggests that the “disenchantment” with flexibility can (in some cases) contribute to greater support for various collective counter-movements (Karl Polanyi). In the article, both the normalisation and disenchantment with market flexibility are discussed with the reference to selected biographical cases.

Full reference: Mrozowicki, Adam. 2016. “Normalisation of Precariousness? Biographical Experiences of Young Workers in the Flexible Forms of Employment in Poland.” Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej 12(2):94-112.


Polish ordeals: rule of law, democracy and protest

Post date: 7.11.2016, 16:04

The tone reminds of the first reign (2005-2007) of the PiS founded in 2001 by the brothers Lech and Jarosław Kaczyński, but the pace with which the PiS tries to disassemble central structures of Polish democracy is new. Is democracy seriously at risk in Poland? Was it already consolidated? What resistance is expected from civil society? These questions are dealt with in this article by Vera Trappmann.

Article in german.