
Presentations related to the project PREWORK.

The Moral Boundary Drawing of Class: Social Inequality and Young Precarious Workers in Poland and Germany

Post date: 13.02.2020, 10:17

Presented at the Prework Final Conference on 11 February 2020.

Work, identity and coping with precarity: the changing boundaries of employment in young people’s lives in Germany and Poland

Post date: 10.10.2018, 17:07

Presented at 18th International Labour and Employment Relations Association World Congress, 23-27 July, 2018. Authors: Adam Mrozowicki, Vera Trappmann, Alexandra Seehaus

Silencing Gender? Young women in Germany experiencing precarious working and living conditions

Post date: 10.10.2018, 16:52

Presented at SASE Conference, 23-25 June 2018, Kyoto, Japan. Authors: Vera Trappmann, Alexandra Seehaus.

Entering Flexibilized Labor Markets from Vulnerable Positions. Coping Strategies of Young Precarious People in Germany and Poland

Post date: 10.10.2018, 16:48

Presented at SASE Conference, 23-25 June 2018, Kyoto, Japan. Authors: Adam Mrozowicki, Vera Trappmann, Alexandra Seehaus.

Towards political disenchantment and populism? Consequences of precarious working and living conditions in the case of young Germans

Post date: 10.10.2018, 16:24

Presentation at 36th International Labour Process Conference 'Class and the Labour Process' in Buenos Aires, 21-23 March, 2018. Authors: Jule-Marie Lorenzen, Denis Neumann, Alexandra Seehaus, Vera Trappmann.

Versions of coping with precarity in the lives of young people: Between fear of descent and future prospects

Post date: 10.10.2018, 16:15

Presentation at the Congress of the Swiss Sociological Association 2017 on June 21 - June 23, 2017, University of Zurich. Authors: Jule-Marie Lorenzen, Alexandra Seehaus, Denis Neumann, Vera Trappmann.

Precarity and Populism - Evidence on young People in Germany

Post date: 10.10.2018, 15:38

Presentation at the 3rd internation conference 'Social Boundaries of Work. Methodological and Practical Problems of Research on Work and Employment in Modern Societies'. Katowice , 27-28 October 2017. Authors: Jule-Marie Lorenzen, Denis Neumann, Alexandra Seehaus, Vera Trappmann.

Precarious lives and new solidarities: normalisation and resistance against precarity in the consciousness and biographies of young workers in Poland and Germany

Post date: 23.07.2018, 20:58

Paper presented by Adam Mrozowicki in Toronto during the XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology (15-21 July 2017). Session: Organising Precarious Workers oorganized by the Research Committee 44 "Labor Movements". Co-authors: Vera Trappmann, Juliusz  Gardawski, Jan Czarzasty,  Alexandra Seehaus.

Selected aspects of socio-economic mentality of young people in Poland: a contribution to the analysis of precariat

Post date: 4.12.2017, 12:17

Presentation: Selected aspects of socio-economic mentality of young people in Poland: a contribution to the analysis of precariat prepared by Juliusz Gardawski and Jan Czarzasty - presented at the 3rd Social Boundaries of Work Conference, Katowice 27-28.10.2017

Precarisation and migration: the vicious circle of uncertainty

Post date: 4.12.2017, 12:13

Presentation: Precarisation and migration: the vicious circle of uncertainty prepared by Mateusz Karolak - presented at the 3rd Social Boundaries of Work Conference, Katowice 27-28.10.2017

Gendered forms of precarity in the narrations of the young precarious workers

Post date: 4.12.2017, 12:11

Presentation: Gendered forms of precarity in the narrations of the young precarious workers prepared by Agata Krasowska and Aleksandra Drabina-Różewicz - presented at the 3rd Social Boundaries of Work Conference, Katowice 27-28.10.2017

Startup i prekariat – symbole pracy i życia „w poczekalni”

Post date: 4.12.2017, 12:06

Presentation: "Startup i prekariat – symbole pracy i życia „w poczekalni" prepared by Magdalena Andrejczuk - presented at the 3rd Social Boundaries of Work Conference, Katowice 27-28.10.2017 [presentation in Polish]

Life strategies of young precarious workers: towards the Polish-German comparison

Post date: 4.12.2017, 11:28

Presentation: "Life strategies of young precarious workers: towards the Polish-German comparison" prepared by Adam Mrozowicki, Jule-Marie Lorenzen and Vera Trappmann presented at the 3rd Social Boundaries of Work Conference, Katowice 27-28.10.2017

Versions of the end of youth. Precarity in the lives of young people under the age of 30

Post date: 4.10.2017, 14:01

Presentation at the annual conference of the section Youth Sociology of the German Sociological Association by Jule-Marie Lorenzen, Alexandra Seehaus and Vera Trappmann. 27.-29. September 2017, University of Luxemburg.

Lonely in a crowd. Do young precarious workers need trade unions, do trade unions need young precarious workers?

Post date: 4.09.2017, 22:16

Paper: "Lonely in a crowd. Do young precarious workers need trade unions, do trade unions need young precarious workers?" (Jan Czarzasty, session: "RN17 Trade Union Formation and Organisation"); 13. European Sociological Association conference ""(Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities",  29.08-01.09.2017, Athens.

Coping with precarity: the case of young precarious workers in Poland and Germany

Post date: 4.09.2017, 22:12

Paper:"Coping with precarity: the case of young precarious workers in Poland and Germany" (Adam Mrozowicki, Vera Trappmann, Jule-Marie Lorenzen, session: "RN03_09a_P: Biographical Constructions of New Inequalities in Europe: Precariat, Capitalism and Solidarity", 13. European Sociological Association conference "Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities",  29.08-01.09.2017, Athens.

The moral aspects of class disaffiliation: the experiences of intersecting inequalities in the biographies of young precarious workers in Poland and Germany

Post date: 4.09.2017, 22:08

Paper: "The moral aspects of class disaffiliation: the experiences of intersecting inequalities in the biographies of young precarious workers in Poland and Germany" (Agata Krasowska, Adam Mrozowicki, Alexandra Seehaus, Mateusz Karolak, Vera Trappmann, Sesja: RN36: Precariat and Vulnerability of Careers), 13. European Sociological Association conference, "(Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities",  29.08-01.09.2017, Athens.

Young precarious workers in Poland: the experiences of work and the patterns of coping with the capitalist transformation

Post date: 30.08.2017, 14:13

Presentation by Adam Mrozowicki during the Conference “Workers of the World – Exploring Global Perspectives on Labour from the 1950s to the Present”, June 28-30, 2017, Hannover.

Poland: (Precarious) Stability in Crisis?

Post date: 5.12.2016, 17:31

Presentation by Adam Mrozowicki, the member of the PREWORK team, during the conference "Precariousness in European Post-Growth Societies: Labour Market Reforms, Precarious Struggles and Transnational Solidarity", 8-9 December 2016, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany. 

Life strategies, civic engagement and the meanings of precariousness of young precarious workers in Poland and Germany: qualitative study

Post date: 3.10.2016, 11:41

Presentation of qualitative module of the Prework project. Presentation was held by Adam Mrozowicki and Agata Krasowska during the PREWORK meeting in Wrocław, 26-27 September 2016.

Life and working conditions of young precarious workers in Poland and Germany: desk research and secondary data analysis

Post date: 28.09.2016, 14:14

Presentation of the the literature review conducted by the Wrocław Prework-Team. Presentation was held by Adam Mrozowicki and Agata Krasowska during the PREWORK meeting in Wrocław, 26-27 September 2016.

Impact of precarious employment on work stress

Post date: 28.09.2016, 13:35

Presentation held by Katarzyny Jarguz during the PREWORK meeting in Wrocław, 26-27 September 2016.